First Day Back to Work and School

Well the boys went back to school on Monday.  Somewhere the Hallelujah Chorus is playing.  Man I was pumped.  I had an entire weeks worth of work to catch up on and I was rip, roarin', and ready to tackle it.  Then I got this picture from Ms. Cindy at the boy's school.

So pitiful.  Ms. Cindy told me that Sam was running a fever of 102 and must be picked up.  WHAT!  My sweet, precious, youngest child, whom I love dearly couldn't give me one lousy day back in the working world before he decided to turn all sick and pitiful. 

It was a good thing that Ms. Cindy sent me that picture, because if she hadn't, I would've had a right mind to just leave him there.  But oh that picture was just heartbreaking. He was even more heartbreaking in person.  I walked in the building and immediately heard his desperate cry. He cried even harder when he saw me.  

Once we got home Sam wouldn't leave my side.  I sat in the glider and rocked him for an hour while I was on a conference call/meeting.  After my meeting was over Sam, Finn and I went down for a nap. Sam didn't want me to leave him, so I cuddled up next to him and slept a little bit. After the nap, Sam and I resumed our position in the glider.  

After Michael got home I left to go on two home visits.  As I was getting out of the chair to leave for the evening Sam wrapped his arms around me and cried, "don't leave me mama."  That was tough.  While I was working Michael took Sam to the pediatrician's office.  Sam just had a virus. 

Since Sam hadn't been fever free for at least 24 hours, I couldn't take him to school the next day.  He was feeling a lot better - but he wasn't 100% yet.  Right after I got him dressed he hopped straight into my bed, pulled up the covers and laid there until it was time to go.

Finn wasn't very happy about the fact that Sam was getting to stay home.  I could tell that he was trying to figure out a way to stay home too so I quickly told Finn that Sam wasn't going to get to have a lot of fun today because he was going to work with me (which was true).  The thought of Sam spending a miserable day with me at work made Finn quite happy and I didn't hear another word about wanting to stay home from school.

What I failed to mention to Finn was that my first appointment was at Cracker Barrel.  Sometimes I schedule meetings at the local Cracker Barrel so that we can at the very least enjoy coffee while discussing such unpleasantries as child abuse, drug addiction and homelessness.  Sam was pumped about Cracker Barrel.  He hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours and was ready for pancakes.

Sam was so good during my meeting - so when he sweetly asked if he could go play with the toys, I was happy to tell him yes.  So Sam and I sat in the floor in the back of the Cracker Barrel and played with the cars.  He was precious.

When we got home, Sam and I both went upstairs.  I worked in my bed and Sam played in the playroom.  After a few minutes Sam came in with a few Spiderman Books.  He then crawled into bed with me and asked me to read.  Again, as busy as I was there was no way I could tell him no.

So we read all of the Spiderman books.  When we ran out of Spiderman books I asked Sam if he would like to go to the book store and pick out a new book.  He, of course, said yes.

Just a few pictures of us reading, well . . . kind of.

After the books Sam took a long nap while I made every effort to catch up on work.  I haven't had a full day of work in 7 work days.  Just thinking about it makes me anxious. 

After supper I made good on my promise and took Sam to Barnes & Noble for a book.  On the way there Sam started singing "Cruella DaVille."  His version was hilarious. It went like this: "Cruella DaVille, Cruella Daville, if she doesn't scare you, nothing will else."    

When we got to Barnes and Noble, Sam hit overdrive and wanted to read every book in the store.  He quickly picked out the two books that he wanted (a Spiderman book and Toy Story book) and then grabbed a few other books for me to read to him at the store.  So once again we sat in the floor and read a Batman book and a Superman book.  Sam also discovered the Harry Potter section and asked me to read Harry Potter to him.  Before leaving the store I picked up a new Bible for the boys and a Daniel Bryan wrestling book for Finn. 

Out in the parking lot, Sam grabbed my hand and said "mama, I have had a fun day."  I can't believe that I complained about missing work the last few days to stay home with this precious boy.  


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