And Yet Another Snow Day

Well, the boys were out again for snow on both Thursday and Friday.  However, this time it was the good powdery stuff. We were excited to take the boys out to play since our last snow was mostly ice. Sam was pretty bummed about having to wear overalls - the horror! I thought he looked quite precious.

The first thing Finn did upon going outside was plop down and make a snow angel.

The second thing that he did was complain about how cold his hands were. We only had those little wool gloves that will eventually absorb water/snow.  Unfortunately we were pretty ill prepared in the hand warming department.  During the last snow I checked for gloves, but they were all sold out.

Needless to say, we didn't stay out for too long.  After losing all feeling in his hands, Finn decided that he couldn't take it anymore so we all went back inside for hot chocolate.
Here is a great picture of Finn providing a perfect demonstrative of how miserable his hands felt.

Despite the cold and snow - the mail ran.  We were so excited to get Sam's hat in the mail.  Mom also sent a picture book with pictures of our family.  Sam demanded that I read it multiple times.

Around 6:00 Finn got restless and decided that he would save the world from bad guys - a.k.a. me.  He had every weapon he owned shoved in his waistband.

We ended up getting pizza for dinner and the boys watched the Grizzlies' game.  The Grizzlies won at the buzzer which really excited Finn. 

On Friday the boys were out of school of again so they spent the day with Gran while Michael and I went to work.  They had so much fun that they decided to stay overnight with her.  Michael and I took advantage of our free night and met Brandon and Carissa and "Jumbo and Delicious" for burgers.  These burgers are DE-LICIOUS!

On Saturday we took the boys to Jack's birthday party.  After the party Jack came over to house for the rest of the day.  Finn was excited.  He has been talking about Jack coming over to play at his house for months.  They boys had a really good time.  They played X-Box and watched Rocky and wrestled. 


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