
Well, last night Finn learned the meaning of true disappointment.  It all started when we went over to Uncle David’s house to watch WrestleMania.  This is like the Super Bowl of professional wrestling.  Finn has been looking forward to this event for a long, long time because his favorite wrestler was fighting in the main event.

We got to David and Sharon’s house around 7:30.  We had church that evening so we missed a couple of the big events (Intercontinental Ladder Match, the Andre the Giant Match and the match between Randy Orton (another of Finn’s favorites) and Seth Rolllins.

Once we were settled in, Uncle David brought out his WWE Heavy weight belt and the boys went nuts.  Sam and Finn were so pumped.  They wrestled and jumped off of things and cheered for a couple of hours.  Sam was really excited during the John Cena v. Rusev match – he sang John Cena’s entrance music and strutted around.

We didn't get to stay for the main event because Aunt Sharon went into labor and had to go to the hospital!  Once we got home, Michael hooked the computer up to TV and we watched some of the stuff we missed. We caught up on the Ladder Match and Orton/Rollins match and then we watched the Main Event.  It was closing in on 11:00 so Sam went on to bed while Finn and I snuggled on the couch. 

I have to hand it to the WWE – they taught Finn an important lesson last night – and that lesson was “the good guys don’t always win.”  Needless to say Finn’s “guy” didn't win last night, but the way in which he lost killed Finn’s spirit.  Since I was snuggling with him, I could actually feel the hope leave his little body.  He looked so defeated when he said, “mom, I am so frustrated.”  Then his little eyes welled up with tears.  He is so used to seeing the “good guy” win that he didn't know how to handle the idea that sometimes the “bad guy” comes out on top. 

Overall, it was night filled with, drama, excitement, intrigue and heartache!  Who knew the WWE was so awesome!


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