On Friday Nana and Papa came over for my birthday.  She and Greg brought roast, quinoa, beans, grape salad, rolls and cake.  The boys were excited all day!  Finn took this picture.  He walked around with the camera for the first 30 minutes of the visit.  He took pictures of everything! The roast, the rolls, Sam performing this Thanksgiving song on the commode.

Sam singing "Give Thanks."

I love this picture!

After dinner, Nana revealed the cake. It was epic, to say the least. Check out the boys' faces.

Then I opened my presents.  Sam was sure that I was opening either a car or a toy.

They loved this cake. 

Finn got so tickled about something.  I just can't remember what. 

After cake we put the boys to bed and then we adults sat around and talked for a couple of hours.  It was so much fun. 

The next morning Sam awoke to find his wrestling ring all set up.  Papa had meticulously placed each wrestler in a pose.

JT came over to play for a few hours while mom and I painted my bedroom.  It looks so, so good.  After finishing up, we went to JC Penneys to buy curtains. We found the perfect set! We also found a great set of lamps.

Thank you Nana and Papa for such a great birthday!


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