Rock Island

This weekend, me and few girls that work with me in Juvenile Court took a weekend retreat to Rock Island state park.  We arrived at the cabins around 4:00.  We literally put our stuff in our rooms, sat in the living room and talked until 10:30 that evening.  We had the best time.

The next day we got up and went exploring a little bit.

Our favorite place was Twin Falls.

This is all of us - Erin, Samantha, Me and Robyn.

This place was so neat - you could climb all over the place. 

Later than evening we went back to the cabin and tried to start a fire in the fire pit.  By the time we got it going (which took a while) it started raining.  So we went in and ate taco soup and talked some more. 

I left that evening around bedtime so that I could be back for Sunday School the next morning. 


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