
Christmas morning started with me telling the boys "stay in your room!" We told Finn and Sam before putting them to bed that they were not allowed to leave their room until we came to get them. About 7:45, I woke up to the sounds of Finn and Sam playing "Santa Clause" in their room. As I was making coffee, I heard Finn say "On Dasher, On Dancer. . . " Based on their personalities and history of play, I presume Finn was Santa and Sam was a reindeer. I just hope that Finn didn't swap Sam with a homemade reign. At 8:00, we opened the door and let the boys come out. They were excited to see their presents and to see Gran and Pa. Then they opened their presents. We asked them to go one at a time so that they could see each other open their presents. They acquiesced -which made the presents take longer. Sam was so excited about his presents. His favorites were his legos and his basketball shoes. Finn, a bit more reserved, loved his video game...