Vaughn Family Christmas 2016

Last Sunday (the Sunday before Christmas) we went to Sparta for the Vaughn family Christmas.  This has been a very busy Christmas season, but three (3) events stick out in my mind: 1) Christmas lunch with my friends from court at my house; 2) adult Sunday School Christmas party and 3) Vaughn family Christmas.  It was awesome!

Will was able to spend some quality time with his extended family.

Uncle Jerry Brought his new streaming devise that lets you stream any movie currently in the theater.  The boys watched a few minutes of Moana. 

Sam spent at least a quarter of the party on the commode.  Sam is sick and I made the mistake of telling him that some of snot will come out in his bowel movements.  Therefore, for the rest of the day Sam sat on the commode and waiting for the snot to "exit" his body.  Try as I might, I couldn't make him understand that this isn't a instantaneous process. 

The boys opened presents from Nana.

There was a family sing along.

Then . . . came the games. This game was so much fun. 

We also played "Watch Ya Mouth."

We ended up staying until about 7:00.  I think that we all agreed that it was one of our most fun Christmas' in a long time.  The night ended with an enormous group text message.  So much fun!


  1. It was so much fun! Great review of the day! Love you all!


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