Christmas at Grandad and Gigi's

On Thursday Michael, Will and I traveled to Dad's house for Christmas.  Finn and Sam were already there and had been there since Tuesday afternoon.

That night we ate dinner and then we played "Telepictionary" with everyone.  

Will was really restless all night so it was so surprise that we ended up on the recliner. He did end up sleeping pretty soundly. 

Once we were all up Gigi made breakfast.  Gene and Minnie came over and ate with us too.  

During breakfast we put Will in the floor and turned on Paw Patrol.  For some reason Will loves Paw Patrol.  We can put him in the swing at home and turn on Paw Patrol and he will give a few minutes of peace.  The same worked during breakfast.  Quinn decided to join Will.  He laid down next to him and got under the covers. 

After breakfast and pictures, we opened presents. 

And the boys played with their new sumo suits.

Oh, and Santa visited. Sam wasn't scared this year.  But he was 100% sure that it was Grandad pretending to be Santa. 


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