Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve 2016 was a really wonderful day.  We started the day with Sam and Michael going out for doughnuts and then shopping for Finn's present (from Sam).  While they were gone, Finn and I played several rounds of Twister and wrapped Sam's present (from Finn).  Once they got home, Sam and I wrapped Finn's present and then we taught Finn out to play Dominos.

At noon we met Gran and Pa at Swaney Swift's for Christmas Eve lunch.  We wanted to go to Top Hog - but it was closed. (Sam has been asking to go to Top Hog for months).  The boys were really excited to see Pa, so they didn't mind too much that Top Hog was closed.

I love these pictures of Sam.  He was in such a great mood. 

Will was in a decent mood.  He was pretty hungry so I took him out to the van to eat. 

Next we all went to the Christmas Eve Service at church. They didn't offer care for Finn's age - so Finn came with us.  I was so glad he did. We sang traditional Christmas songs as a congregation.  Finn knew most of the songs so he sang too.  It was so moving to hear Finn sing the Christmas songs.  He stood there and sang with his whole heart - loud and long.  His little singing voice was so sweet.  He really sang out on Away in a Manger and Silent Night. Finn also took his first Lord's Supper at this service.  I was so happy and proud and emotional.   At the end of the service we lit candles and sang Silent Night.  It was so beautiful to see the whole sanctuary lit by candle light.  Finn loved this part.  I was so emotional through the whole service and choked back tears the whole time. 

In the car on the way home Finn asked me why it looked like I was about to cry.  I explained that the music in the service caused me to cry.  Finn them told me that the music made him cry too.  Sweet little Finn. 

Then we went to Kroger to pick a few last minute things.  Will rode in the buggy for the first time. 

For Christmas Eve dinner Finn requested tacos and home made blizzards.  So we ate dinner as a family and then watched "Elf."  The boys sat in the floor and laughed - they loved Elf.  Finn and Sam both took turns snuggling with me and sitting in my lap.  Again, I had a hard time not crying. Then we turned on the Santa Tracker for a few minutes.  

Last Finn and Sam put out cookies for Santa.  

Sam ate one of Santa's cookies. 

Then Sam put out his reindeer food that he made at school. 

It was such a good day.  I really think the boys enjoyed themselves too.  I wish I could relive the whole day again - just the exact same way. 

After the boys went to bed, Michael and I got all the presents out and ready.  Will woke up after sleeping a whopping 30 minutes and helped us get ready for Christmas morning. We didn't tell him, but we didn't need his help. 

My sweet little Christmas baby. 


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