Been awhile

Well, it has been a while since I have blogged, but in my defense, it is because I felt like this.

It has been a pretty busy couple of weeks for our family between the move and the pregnancy. Also, I spent all weekend at the Opryland Hotel chaperoning a youth trip with our church. 

In baby news - I have been put on complete pelvic rest.  I have something called "placenta previa" which is when the placenta is covering the "exit" - so to speak.  Because of this I can't lift anything heavier than a gallon and milk and I have to be really careful.  This means that I can't lift weights anymore - which is a pretty big bummer for me.  I am still walking, but it just isn't the same.  Also, I am probably going to have to have a c-section to avoid the risk of hemorrhage. There is a chance that it can still move, but I am not going to get my hopes up. 

We have gotten through our home inspection (pretty easy) and the home inspection for our new home (doesn't look too bad), so we are one stop closer to finishing this process. I guess I will start boxing thing up this weekend. 

Finn's basketball pictures came in this week.  I love this picture!

We also had Spring pictures at school last week.  Finn was so excited when he realized that he got to wear "normal" clothes.  However, he got really upset when he realize that he couldn't wear his basketball gear.  Finn hates wearing jeans. 

This week we learned that Finn placed the highest in the Kindergarten class for reading skills.  We were very proud of him.  As a prize we let him download Minecraft on his tablet.

This morning was "Wacky Wednesday" for Sam.  Even though you can't tell from the picture, Sam is wearing my leg warmers. 

Sam's class at school for Wacky Wednesday. 

I have posted a few pictures from the HCA website. 

This was Finn's "Wacky Wednesday"

Sam on is actual birthday. 

Miss Mandy's Birthday party.

Sam tracing his name.

Finn's Valentine snack.

Miss Mandy's Pajama party

Finn's Valentine boxes - he came in 2nd place for best box. Thank you Gran!

Finn's teddy bear parade.  The morning of we realized that we don't own a teddy bear.  So Michael had to stop at Walgreens and buy one.

Cat in the Hat week.


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