Easter 2014

Well michael and I were both home for Good Friday.  The boys, who go to Christian school, were not.  Sam had an egg scheduled for that morning while Finn moped around, bummed that he got to do was take a spelling test.

Michael and I had planned to go watch Sam hunt eggs with his class, but we were too late.  Instead, we had lunch and then went to buy a new bedroom suit for the house.  Michael and I came to the conclusion that we needed a King sized bed, given how awful I am to sleep with.

On Friday night we went to the Friday night Easter Service at our church. 

On Saturday we attended Henry's 1st birthday party at David and Sharon's house, then we back to the Saturday night Easter Service at our church.  This go around I keep the nursery.

On Sunday we went to church with Gran and Pa.  Sam and Finn both sat mostly quiet during the entire service.  Sam was being very sweet and wanted me to hold him the entire time.  He really got into singing the Hymns.  He did a surprisingly good job at "Christ the Lord is Risen Today."  During the service Sam colored.  Since Finn is in Kindergarten we made him sit up straight and listen to the sermon.  He was devastated that Sam got to color and he did not.  He let out three (3) big sighs of frustration and then settled into his new fate.  

After church we went to Gran's for lunch and an egg hunt.  Henry found the golden egg.   


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