Memorial Day


On Monday we had a Memorial Day get together with our Sunday School Class.  Outside of swimming lessons, this was the first time that the boys have been in the pool all year.  I was a little concerned that it might take them a while to warm up to the water - but they did great.   Both Finn and Sams spent the entire day running as hard as they could and jumping off the diving board. 



For the first several jumps Sam jumped without his float.  I held the noodle out for him and after he jumped into the water he would swim to the noodle.  I was so proud of him.  As the day went on he decided that he wanted his float. 



Finn enjoyed his day because Ethan was there.  Finn loves playing with Ethan. 


The dads spent their pool time playing basketball.  It was complete chaos.  At one point Finn got trampled, but came up unscathed. 

After the pool we went back to Roger and Anna's house for a cook out. 

We got home around 7:30 - the boys were exhausted.  But we all had  really good time. 


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