
This morning as Sam was sitting at the kitchen table eating his breakfast, he asked me if we could go over his memory verse. The verse was "Even a child is known by his doings."  The verse is found in Proverbs 20:11.  Sam said his verse correctly and then said, "Problems 20:11." It was so precious - and fitting given the verse coupled with Sam's proclivity for misbehaving .

Finn is also working every hard on earning his 100 books trophy.  At the beginning of the year, Mrs. Raymer started sending home additional reading materials.  There were 100 books in all.  By the end of Christmas, we felt pretty certain that Finn wouldn't make it to 100 books.  However, at some point in February Finn decided that he wanted to try to reach the 100 books goal.  I think it had something to do with the fact that there was a little girl in his class that was well ahead of him and he couldn't stomach the thought of being beaten.  I have been surprised to see how competitive Finn is. Which is weird because neither Michael or myself are particularly competitive.

Anyway, we picked the pace up in February.  April 26th Finn had read 74 books.  We felt confident that if we kept going, he would reach 100 books by the end of the year.  Well, on April 26th we learned that the program would only go until the end of the week - which was April 29th. The purpose of ending the reading program early was so Mrs. Raymer could order trophies for the kids that made it to 100.   Finn was very disappointed because we all knew that he couldn't read 26 books in one week.  On his own initiative Finn asked his teacher to send him home with as many books as she could.  By the end of the week Finn had read 91 books.  He was so disappointed.  Michael and I were really proud of him for reading 91 books!

Well, on Monday, May 2, Finn found to his delight that Mrs. Raymer had sent home 4 more books.  She sent 5 home yesterday (Tuesday).  So, with a little help from Mrs. Raymer, Finn did it.  He was such a trouper.  The books were pretty hard, but Finn, spurred on the thought of a trophy, didn't complain at all.  He set his mind to the task and achieved it.  I am so proud of him.

On the pregnancy front.  I am now 29 weeks pregnant.  I am starting to feel uncomfortable, but it isn't anything too bad yet.  My placenta is right where I left it last time - smack-dab on the bottom - completely covering my cervix.  It looks like I will definitely be having a c-section.  The target date is June 27th - but that is subject to change.

The boys are getting more excited everyday.  It seems as though their excitement level is directly related to the size of my belly.  Finn is very aware of the fact that there is a real baby in there.  At some point everyday he will walk up to me, put both hands on my stomach, touch his forehead to my stomach and talk to the baby.   Sam immediately follows suit, but I don't know if grasps the significance quite like Finn does.


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