
On Wenesday Will went for his two month appointment. He weighed 10.8 pounds. He is officially the same size as Sam the day he was born. He is in the 13th percentile in weight and 11th percentile in height.

He also got his first set of shots. Because it was just me at the appointment, I had to hold him down (as opposed to Michael holding him down while I take the picture). Oh he felt so betrayed and reminded me just how betrayed he felt the rest of the night.  See Exhibit A.  He looked like this most of the night. 

On a lighter note Gigi came and stayed with us on Tuesday night and kept Will on  Wedneday - up until time for his shots. She also made chicken pot pie for dinner. 

I spent the whole night with Will. These are a few pictures I took right before bed. 

His night of misery finally got the best of him. 


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