The Dentist

Last Monday we took the boys to the Dentist. Finn was a ball of nerves on the way over.  He cried and fussed the whole way.  Then he told me he thought he was going to throw up.  Safe to say that Finn's nerves got the best of him. 

Here is Finn getting ready to go.  You can see that he is still upset. 

Here is Finn trying to hide from the camera. 

Here is Sam enjoying his brother's shame. 

It got better for Finn.  He didn't have any cavities.  However, the dentist told us that his mouth is too small for his teeth - so we will probably be going to the orthodontist this time next year. 

Here is Sam getting ready to go.  Sam was perfect - he wasn't scared at all. 

And . . . no cavities.

Finn, being ever so dramatic - was not a fan of the taste of the fluoride she put on his teeth. 

Sam checking out his x-rays. 

After the dentist we took the boys to Chic-Fil-A for dinner. We spent the rest of the night hanging out at the house and playing basketball.  We put Will on the back porch under the fan and the four of us played.  Sam is so funny. He looked at me and said, "Mom - you're Golden State" and I am "LeBron James."  Bless him - he thinks that LeBron James is the name of Cleveland's team. 


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