Easter 2018

This year, Easter started off with an awful selfie.  But Finn snuggled up next to me and asked me to take it - so I did.

Will on the way to church.  Big shock that he is fussing.

When he got to Gran and Pa's church, he refused to sit next to me. But was more than happy to sit with Michael.

I love this picture of Henry and Finn.

Once we got to Gran's the boys opened their Easter baskets. 

Will got just what he wanted - a ball. But he was also very interested in Cade's train book.

Then it was time to hunt.  This is the first year that Will has been able to hunt on his own.  Much like with anything physical, Will picked it up pretty quickly.  Once he spotted an egg, he would run to it as fast as he could, grab the egg, immediately open it and then eat the candy inside. He was so precious.

Sam found a 20 dollar bill in his egg.


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