Hair Cut

On Monday, after getting completely ready for work, I get a text from the daycare informing me that the air condition was not working and that Will would not be able to go to school that day.  I didn't have a morning docket so I was able to stay home with him. 

I decided that I would take the opportunity to schedule a haircut for Will.  There were no times available at Giggles so we walked in at Sports Clips.  Will loved this place.  There we large pictures of basketballs on the wall.  Will pointed to the wall, yelled "BALL" and took off running as fast as he could toward the ball.  Unfortunately he didn't realize that it was only a picture and he ran face first into the wall.  He hit so hard that he bounced off and fell over.  It was hilarious.  He cried his eyes out and sat in my lap. 

The lap-sitting lasted all of about 30 seconds.  Will thought that he would have a much better time crawling around in the chairs. I really did have such a great time.  I wasn't in a hurry at all.  It reminded me of the years that I spent working from home when Finn was a baby.


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