2nd Grade Awards Day

On the last day of Second Grade, HCA presented awarded for academic excellence to the students.  Finn won the Math award, the Penmanship award, the Bible award and an award for making the "A" Honor Roll all year long.  We were very proud of him.  

Afterward, the Second Grade class went down to their classroom for the end of the year party.  Mrs. Lockard and the Classroom moms decorated the room like a red carpet event. 

Finn, his best friend Luke and Mrs. Lockard. 

They also handed out field day awards.  Finn won blue ribbons in the 50 yard and 100 yard dash. 

After the party, I went back to work and the boys went home with Gran.  Later than evening Finn's friend Luke, along with his mom and dad came over for dinner. It was a really great night!


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