Canoeing on the Harpeth.

On Friday evening we met the boys at Emily's community pool to celebrate Quinn's Fourth Birthday.  When I arrived I saw all three boys deep into a Light Saber fight.  Will was having a ball.  He was right in the middle of all of the kids just chopping them down with pool noodle light saber. 

After cake and presents the boys went swimming.  Will was a little apprehensive about being in the water. I walked around with him in the kiddie pool for a while.  He didn't want to get in at all, but his need to get a beach ball floating around in the water overwhelmed him.  After a little bit, Grandad came to get him and they went into the big pool.  While Will was with dad I went over to watch Sam swim.  I was a little concerned that he would have forgotten all of his swimming skills over the winter, but I was so happy to see that he could swim both above and under the water.

That next day Michael took Finn and Sam to canoe on the Harpeth.  He was scheduled to have surgery the following week, so he planned a surprise trip for the boys before he went out of commission for the next few months. 

Will noticed that Finn had a big dinosaur on his trunks.  Will pointed at and made his "roar" noise. 

The boys loved canoeing!  I wasn't able to go on the trip, but Michael reported, and the boys confirmed that canoeing was so awesome.

After everyone got back home, we all went outside.  I took Will and Sam across the street to see the ducks and then we went to pet the horses.  (Will loves to be outside.  He will stand at the door and cry "side" until we can't stand it anymore and take him out.) 

On Sunday evening, Michael cut up a watermelon for the boys.  This picture shows how Sam feels about watermelon.

I spent the rest of the weekend cleaning up my workout area.


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