Finn’s Special Day with Mom and Dad

On June 23rd (right after Sam and Will went home with Grandad and Gigi), Michael and I got the rare opportunity to spend some special time with Finn.  Finn was scheduled to go to church camp the following Monday and was unable to go with the other boys to Grandad's house.  We decided that it would be fun to have a "special day" with Finn.  We had just recently told him that he and Sam would be switching schools in the Fall  and wanted to really spend time making him smile.

We took him to Five Guys for dinner and then we went to see "Solo" at the movie theater. Finn had a great time.  This is a picture of him at the end of the movie.  He demanded that we stay until the credits rolled so that we could see the hidden clip.  Well, as it turns out since this was not an official Star Wars movie, there was no hidden clip at the end.  We all had a good laugh and made our way home.   It is great to have your family all together - but it is also pretty special to spend time focusing on one at a time.


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