Will’s Second Birthday Party

Will is now two (2) years old.  Lately I have read a quote concerning raising children "the days go slow, but the years ... the years go fast."  My heart hurts a little every time I read it  - because it is true.  He is my last natural child. The last baby I will ever name.  The last baby that I will ever feed with my own body.  He was a very difficult baby and the first six to eight months of his life were exhausting.  There were nights that I thought would never end. I was tired all the time.  We were both sick all the time.  But here we are - at two (2) year old.  Don't misunderstand, he is still a stinker.  He is stubborn as a mule and we still have frustrating moments - but I have enjoyed him so much over the past few months.  During the campaign, I didn't get to see him very much.  I was gone every weekend for months and as election day crept closer, I didn't even get to see him in the evenings.  I would basically eat and run, leaving Michael to care for him and get him ready for bed.  Needless to say, Michael and Will grew very close.  Mom was just someone, who was always really tired, that dropped in every now and then for a hug.  I felt so disconnected from him - and I think (though it is possible that I was projecting my own feelings on him) that he felt the same.  But, after the election ended, and life started to settle back down, Will and I have had had a lot of time to "catch up."  Michael had his second surgery in June which required me to do all of the lifting and rough housing.  While being married to "The Incredible One Armed Man" came with its own challenges, I realize now that it was exactly what I needed to reconnect with Will and the older boys. It gave me time to really parent Will again and I am so thankful that our relationship is strong once again. Now, Will always wants to be with mama; he willing snuggles with me; he talks to me all the time and he gets super jealous when either Finn or Sam try to sit in my lap.   He has become very affectionate and he has the sweetest disposition when I get him out of bed in the mornings.  Currently he is a big fan of "Curious George" and will say - "watch Monkey."  He loves Finn and Sam, but has just recently started saying their names.  Sam's name comes out mostly as babble, but he calls Finn  - FEE.  He calls the television - Tee Tee.  You can imagine my delight when I thought he was telling me that he needed to use the bathroom, but no, he was just asking to watch TV.  I know that I give Will a hard time - I joke about how bull headed he his or how he hates everything, but truthfully, he is a wonderful little boy.  He is loving and smart and quick to learn new skills. I love him so much and I am so thankful to be his mom. 

I took these pictures of him the night of the 22nd (his actual birthday).  I got pretty tickled with him when I saw his little legs poking through the crib slots.

Okay, on Saturday, June 23rd, we had Will's 2nd birthday party at our house. We invited his family to come and join us. I love baby parties.  They don't expect elaborate themes and don't get disappointed when their friends can't come.  We basically opened presents, ate and then had a rousing kickball game in the back yard - where Papa and Hank "bit the dust" hard.

Finn and Sam checking out the loot.  

The attendees.

The party started with opening gifts.  I had planned to sing Happy Birthday to Will first, but he couldn't get the lighter to light so we moved on to presents while Pa worked on the lighter.

After the first or second present, Pa was able to light the candles, we so took a quick hiatus from opening gifts and sang to Will.  The second he saw the cupcakes he took off after them.  He followed me around trying to get one of the cupcakes during the entire song. 

I spent the song walking backwards away from him while he desperately chased me.  It was a very sweet moment. 

Then it was back to opening presents.  Nana hit it big with a basketball goal.  You can see in this picture that Will is jumping up and down with excitement. 

Gran and Pa gave Will a balance bike. 

After all the presents were opened, Will sat down and ate his cupcake.  Yet another thing I love about baby parties - I can get "Nothing Bundt Cakes" as the cake and Will is none the wiser.

Will wasn't interested in eating anything other than cake, so he and I took a minute to play with is goal again. 

Next, we had an impromptu game of kickball.

Will playing kickball. He loved this.  We all did.  It was the most fun I have had playing a game in a long time.

After the party, Will and Sam went home with Grandad and Gigi for the weekend.

Will playing with bubbles at Grandad and Gigi's house.


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