Meet Meg

We got a cat!  After two years of being cat free, Nana and Papa talked us into taking a stray that was living at their house. They were crafty, those two.  They introduced the cat to Finn during one of his weekend stays.  Finn and the cat grew very attached to the point where Finn was asking to bring home the cat.  Michael was deadset against it.  But after much persuasion, Michael agreed and we are now proud pet owners. 

Getting the cat home was a challenge though.  She hates to ride in her cat carrier.  On the hour and half ride home from mom's house the cat broke out of her carrier.  She then begins terrorizing Sam and Will.  Sam doesn't want the cat to touch him at all and Will was screaming on the top of his lungs because he wanted the cat to sit in his lap.  The cat wants nothing to do with Will (imagine that) and decides to have a great big bowel movement in her litter box that was lying in the floorboard.  It smelled terrible.  After relieving herself, she found a since quiet spot on the dashboard.  I have no idea how we made it home. It was pretty stressful.

On the way home the boys decided to name her "The Meg" after "The Megaladon."  We call her Meg for short. Meg is a precious cat.  She is very loving.  Other than climbing our Christmas tree she is a really good house. Will adores her.  He chases her around the house and when he finally catches her he pounces on her or picks her up by her head.  Even though he is really rough, she has never scratched him. Of all the boys, Finn is currently her favorite.  Her typical place to sleep is with Finn.


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