Our Morning Routine

Now that the boys are at DA, they have a much earlier and more hectic morning.  The boys get up at 6:00 a.m. and have to be in the car by 6:45 a.m. in order to get to school at 8:00. This would be much easier if they weren't little boys.  No matter how efficiently I get them up and dressed, they always manage to find some way to get behind and stress their father out.  Mornings at our house are completely chaotic!

On the other hand, Will's mornings are quite relaxing.  After Finn and Sam leave the house. I finish getting myself ready and then around 7:15 I wake Will up.  I get him changed and dressed before we even leave his room.  Once downstairs he sits on the stairs while I put his shoes and socks on.  Currently he only wants to wear his "blue shoes."  These are Sam's old Saucony shoes that at turquoise blue. He refuses to wear any thing other than "blue shoes."  

Will isn't much of a breakfast eater, so I hand him his milk and cup of dry Cheerios.  We get in the car around 7:40 a.m. I drop him off at school, and then by 8:00 a.m. I am at work.  I feel a bit guilty how easy mine and Will's drive is in the morning compared to the other boys. But as bad as I feel, I wouldn't trade with them.  


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