First Day of 4th and 2nd Grade

First day of 4th grade for Finn and 2nd grade for Sam.  Finn's teachers are Mrs. Boner and Mrs. Bratcher.  Sam's teacher is Mrs. Sweatman.  So far school has gone pretty smoothly for the boys outside of Sam threatening to kill two little girls at lunch and Finn carving his name into the cubbyholes.  

Sam:  A couple of weeks ago Sam got in trouble at lunch for telling two girls that he was going to kill them.  Michael and I were very upset.  I asked Sam to tell me exactly what happened.  Sam explained that he said it really nice. He said that he got really close to them and said it in a really quiet voice.  Exacerbated, I told Sam "THAT'S WORSE!"  Sam didn't say it really nice, he said it really creepy.  I asked Sam what on earth made him think this was a good idea.  He told me that the girls were saying mean things to him. He said, "they told me when I grow up, I am going to have a beard!" I said, "Sam, you are boy, when you grow up you ARE going to have a beard!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  My sweet, sweet Sam has become a domestic DA terrorist.  The lunch lady made him go sit by himself for the rest of the lunch hour.  Finn tried to sit with him to make him feel better, but was denied.  Later than evening we made Sam write apology letters to the girls. It was all around very awkward. 

Now to Finn's delinquency:  Whilst waiting for piano lessons, Finn used his fingernail to carve his name into the new wooden lockers at the school!!! Again, we were confused and furious and overall befuddled.  But, looking at them, maybe I shouldn't be. 


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