PBC 2019

This summer Nana and Papa treated us to a beach vacation at Long Beach Resort in Panama City.  Our Vacation began early Saturday morning.  We loaded the boys in the van and pulled out of driveway about 7:30. The night before Michael took the boys to buy a few cheap movies to keep them entertained during the 9-hour drive.  Even though they were chomping at the bit to turn on the television, Michael refused to let them do so until after our first rest stop.

Our first stop was in Alabama – the Huntsville rest stop.  Will loved this stop because he was able to run around to look at the rocket.  Once back in the car we turned on a movie and the boys sat quietly until lunch.  We stopped at a Chic-Fil-A just north of Birmingham.  The boys played and ran out a little bit of energy and then we hunkered down or the remaining trip.  Right outside of Birmingham we ran into sheets of rain – rain that hung with us all the way to Panama City Beach.  

We pulled into the Long Beach parking lot around 5:00 p.m.  The boys jumped out of the van as quickly as they could, found their cousin and commenced the “freak out” session for the rest of the night.  Despite the mayhem, the natural bi product of six (6) little boys getting together after weeks apart, we were able to get our stuff in the condo and put away.

This Condo was really nice!  It had was really open, bright and had been recently updated.

On our first night we all went to Dee’s Hangout as a family.  We were seated quickly – then promptly after ordering our drinks, each member of our family changed seats no less than twice.  It was a disaster!  My kids, particularly Will, were awful! They were excited, loud, restless and busy.   I blame it being in the car all day.  At one point I took Will outside. He pitched a five-alarm fit when I wouldn’t allow him to run out in front of traffic – the gall!

This is the reason that my children love riding with my mom.

Once back at the Condo, Finn, Hank, and Quinn outside to play at the beach.  Sam was feeling crummy, and Cooper was exhausted, so they rested inside.  We were all really tired after a long day of travel, so we went to bed early to prepare for our first day at the beach. 

Day 2, and following:  

The rest of our days, at least for Nana, began at 5:00 a.m.  Even at the beach Finn wakes up early.   I loved our morning routine.  Each day we would get up and have coffee and breakfast on the balcony.  This was always very leisurely.  Even though the boys wanted to go to the beach, they didn’t rush us.  

We usually made it down to the beach by around 8:30 and would stay until about noon.  The water was clear and warm everyday. 

I have never seen boys be able to play in the sand as long as these boys - particularly Finn and Hank.  Those two could build sand castles all day long.


I was so happy to get to watch Will play in the ocean this year.  He was a little timid on his first day, but by the end of the week, he was diving head first into the waves.  This is much improved from last year when he fussed the entire time.

This was our "backward swimming" competition.  After crushing Finn and Quinn in backward swimming, we made up several other races/competitions.  It was my favorite pool day.

This evening we went to a sandwich shop.  Since we are such a large party we had about a 45 minute wait. During our wait, Papa taught the boys how to play pool - or a variation thereof.

This was my favorite restaurant of the week.  I ordered the biggest and most delicious club sandwich that I have ever had in my life. The boys loved it too.  There was a magician who also made balloon guns and swords.

Our one attempt at a family photo.

Day 3:

Old Maid:  Emily's kids brought the card game Old Maid.  These boys spent hours playing Old Maid with Uncle Zac.  They were hilarious.  You could tell each time by either their faces or their body language when they got the "Old Maid" card.  They would also try to trick each other into choosing the "Old Maid" by placing the "Old Maid" a bit higher than the other cards - and I'll tell you, those boys (except for Finn) fell for it each and every time.

This was the day Will realized that he could run in the surf without falling over and going under.  He did this for a very long time.

The waves on day three were no joke.  They were tall and rough as a cobb. We brought Will out in his puddle jumpers and let him float over the waves.  I thought that they would scare him - they didn't. He rode over top yelling "I LOVE THIS!"

That night our family stayed home and made tacos while everyone else went out.  Once we were all back together, these four yah-yoos went down to catch crabs.

Day 4:  The Shark Sighting

By the morning of the fourth day, the water was back to the way I like it - calm, with swelling as opposed to crashing waves.  Prior to coming down to the beach we saw a very large, very dark, very slow moving shadow swimming in the shadows.  In fact, it was so large, we all assumed it was a manatee.  Once down at the beach we learned that the shadowy figure was a shark.

Sam has begged to wear a mohawk for weeks now.

That night Me, Michael, Emily and Zac went to eat at quiet dinner without the children.

The boys stayed back at the condo with Nana and Papa.

Last day at the Beach (at least for our family):  I love this picture

This was the day that Will got so brave.  He chased Quinn thru the surf for a long time, stepping in deeper spots and falling on his face.  He'd laugh and get back up and do it again. I was so happy for him.

Will watching the Mermaid swimming with all the little girls in the swimming pool at the restaurant. It was a good idea in theory - but an odd experience in reality.  

Later than evening the boys went out to play with Rocket - Copters again.

Will ended up actually sleeping in the bed for the first time on our last night at the beach.

The ride home - not too bad.


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