
Well, if there is one thing that Begleys have in abundance it is surgeries.  This time Finn and Sam were able to join in the fun.  In May both Finn and Sam underwent tongue tie procedures.  They were both very tongue tied.  Poor Sam couldn't put his tongue on the roof of his mouth.  He also snored terribly for a child.  In fact, the dentist told us that Sam was headed for CPAP machine. 

Since the procedures took place during COVID, we were limited in who was able to go back into the room.  Finn went back by himself. (This is why I don't have any pictures of Finn).  The hygienist told us Finn got so worked up that they didn't think that they were going to be able to do the procedure.  But, she was able to help him breath through it. 

Next it was Sam's turn.  True to form, Sam handled it like a champ.  He did start to wiggle just a little bit.  I guess their anxiety dog noticed that Sam was feeling a bit anxious and hopped up in his lap.  It was so sweet.  It calmed Sam down immediately.

This is supposed to help Sam's facial structure develop more normally because he will now be able to get his tongue to the roof of his mouth.  The most immediate change is that Sam doesn't snore anymore!

Popsicle therapy:  They were both so swollen.  They were cut under their tongues and under their upper lips. They both complained of soreness.

Michael and Will at Casa.  Will wanted me to take pictures.

This is Michael's second shoulder surgery incision site.  He had shoulder surgery on his left shoulder in 2018.  In 2020 he had surgery on his right shoulder.  Thankfully his recovery this time was much easier.


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