
Every year 2nd Graders at Davidson Academy build, from the ground up, a community called "Sweatmanville."  This is named after their most excellent teacher, Mrs. Sweatman.  This is a very large project. They came together as a class via Zoom and brainstormed ideas as to what buildings, stores, and services their town would need.  Mrs. Sweatman asked the children to raise their hand if they an idea they would like to share.  Sam's hand shot up like a jack-in-the box. Mrs. Sweatman called on Sam saying "Sam, what do you think Sweatmanville needs?"  Sam responds, "we need a bar and grill."  I wanted to crawl under the floor.  I was expecting my sweet Sam to saying thing like a school, church or courthouse.  But nope - he finds to be most essential a bar and grill.  Ms. Sweatman's face looked to be a mixture of stunned and amused.  

Anyway, when the class assignments came out - Sam was assigned the County Courthouse. Fitting wouldn't you say. I was very excited to work on this Courthouse, which is a good thing, because I was the only Begley in our house excited about it.  Sam did help - but he grumbled mightily. The final project turned out quiet nicely.   

In addition to building the town, the students also had to run for elected positions, voted for their elected officials and pass laws.  Sam ran for town council.  This meant that he had to write a speech and present his speech to his class on Zoom.  I am proud to announce that Sam has won his first election and he was elected to the Sweatmanville Town Council.

He had his first Town Council meeting were he passed two laws:  1) No Speeding and 2) No kidnapping. I love him.


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