Family Picture Day with the Begleys

Before Tommy had to leave to go back to the work site,  Deneice scheduled a family photo session with my neighbor Tim West. I don't have the edited proofs, but I had a few unedited to remember the day.  Will was pretty miserable all day because his shorts were too big.  He spent most of his time either complaining that his shorts were falling down or trying to pull his shorts up.  He was also bare foot most of the day and I can't really remember why that is. 

It was also dreadfully hot. We got a couple of good shots and really good one of me and Will. It was a complete accident.  I was actually dragging him down the a gravel road against his will to the next picture.  For me at least, it was the best shot of the day. 

Sam hasn't quite figured out how to smile naturally yet.  Most of his pictures look like he is contemplating murdering us.  Finn doesn't know what to do with his hands and insists on keeping his top button buttoned.  All four, yes four, of my boys are quite literally done after 15 minutes of photographs and have to threatened within an inch of their lives to finish up the session.  This is the only time in my life that having girls would be easier.  I don't know why I bother worrying about what I am going to wear or buying hairspray that will withstand August humidity, because it is a miracle if we get a good picture anyway. We are a work in progress. 

After the pictures, we took all of the very cranky boys to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. 


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