Fourth of July at Nana and Papa's House

Fourth of July at Nana and Papa's this year was loud and awesome.  It is always loud when all six of those boys get together, but it become particularly more loud when you throw in fireworks and hamburgers. This year we added chicken fighting.  The boys are getting old enough to really start to have fun with us! Finn and  Zac dominated. 

The fireworks this year were impressive.  Papa had set a big table out in the front yard.  Our safety standards have much improved this year. I think the Roman Candles and parachute men were everyone's favorite. 

I'm not sure sure what had me so cracked up.  I wish I could remember. 

After our fireworks, we brought chairs to the end of the yard and watched a very impressive fireworks show put on  by the neighbors across the street. 


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