Cross Country 6th Grade

Finn's second season of Middle School Cross County has come to a close.  It started with a pool party at Coach Tiffany's house and ended with Finn's team running at the State meet. It was a great season.  I want to stress how proud I am of Finn this year.  Last year was hard for him.  It was his first year on a school team and he struggled with anxiety.  At the start of his Fifth Grade season, Finn was running the 2 mile in the 18 minute mark.   By the end of his Fifth Grade season he had cut his time down considerably.  I didn't really know what to expect from Finn this year.  I knew his team would be really good - but individually, I didn't know. But let me say,  this year he came out ready to run! He ran hard and he really enjoyed his time with the team.   

This was Finn's first meet of the season - The Cole Midgett Invitational. His time was 15:43.  His coach said that he ran the race of his life.  The other coach commented on how she loved his smile. 

Most of the meets took place at the Hermitage.  The team knows this course really well, so as the season came to an end, Finn's times kept creeping lower and lower. The last meet of the year, he came in at 14:09.  He was so proud of himself.  Gran, Nana and Gigi were all about to come see him run this year.  Grandad was able to come to most of his meets and was able to see Finn PR at his last meet of the year. 

Finn's team. The boys won every meet this year and qualified as a team for the State meet. 

Finn's coach required that the team do personal workouts over the weekend and then text her proof that they had completed the workout.  This is one of those proof photos.

These were taken at the State Meet this year. The State Meet was in Knoxville.
Finn road up to the meet with friends on the team. The rest of our family met them later at the hotel in Knoxville.  Finn's coach really makes this event special.  She and some of the parents set up games, an ice cream sunday bar and then they watch a movie together. 

The next morning they ran the meet.  The course was really tough. It was wet and soggy and must have been a slow course in general because none of the boys PR'd.   It was really great to see Finn, as a 6th grader, come over the hill and finish the State Meet with other 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  I was really proud of him. 


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