Will’s Jolly Christmas
Will has really enjoyed Christmas this year - and I mean everything about it. He was especially excited to help me decorate the house. He followed me around giving me "ideas" for what would make the house look most "jolly." Yes, that was his word for this season - jolly. After I would finish one section of the house, he would say "MOM! This looks so jolly!"
He was also very interested in buying gifts for his family, friends and teachers. Here, Will is writing a Christmas Card to Mr. Elrod - his principal. I wrote exactly what he wanted to say and then he signed it. His card was precious; it was basically Will's stream of consciousness about what Mr. Elrod wanted for Christmas.

Will hanging up his ornaments that he made at school. He made five (5) ornaments. He explained each ornament before putting it on the tree.
This was the bag he brought all of his Christmas ornaments home in. He made it himself.
So, Will really wanted a Santa hat this year. He didn't get one from me - but that wasn't for lack of trying. I couldn't find one anywhere - at least that was affordable. So, this is Will's elf hat that he made at school. While, not a Santa hat - it was a cute consolation.
The kids all brought gifts for a gift exchange at school. Will really wanted to give a Christmas card to his friend Collin. This card read much like Mr. Elrod's card.
Will's School Christmas party. I was able to go with him this year. He was so excited to bring me to school. I think this is the only time that I have been with Will at school this entire year, so he didn't let me out of his sight. He was so sweet and precious. He talked to me the entire time, asked me if I liked the party and introduced me to his teacher.
This was also the first year that Will bought Christmas presents for this brothers. I took him to Target so that he could pick out "perfect" gifts. After an hour of looking at literally everything he bought them really cool water bottles for school. I was impressed with Will's thoughtfulness. He was very concerned that he bought his brothers something they would actually like. As we walked through the aisles I asked him many times, "Will, do you think Finn or Sam would like this?" He would look at the item for a bit and say "No, they wouldn't like this - but I want it!" Will's Christmas list "grew three sizes that day." Shopping with Will was a hoot!
Once we got home he helped me wrap the gifts. He spent the next couple of weeks worrying that his brothers wouldn't like his gifts. He asked me several times, "Mom, do you think that Finn and Sam will like these?" Or, "Mom, I really hope they like their presents." Proof that we are never too young to stress about Christmas.
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