The Cardinals

In the Spring of 2023 Will Begley played flag football for the Cardinals.  We knew when we signed Will up that he was a fast kid.  But he had no idea how fast he actually is.  This child blew us away this season.  He scored between 2 and 4 running touchdowns every game.  It was so much fun to watch.  He could get through crowds of kids, he could squeeze in tight spaces and once he was in the open space, no one could catch him.  I'm serious, he was never caught one time in the open field.  It was amazing.  Every one of us me, Michael, Finn, Sam, Gran, Pa, Nana, Papa, Grandad, Gigi, yelled and cheered and laughed the entire season.  We would even hear other parents and family member around us comment on how great Will was. 

While Will seems to be born to run a football, Finn spent most of the season telling his coach how much he wanted to play soccer.  Will played for Eric Burton and Eric would give us the weekly recap of Will's comments and complaints on the field. 

Will also struggles a bit with confidence.  A better way to put it is that he is terrified of being embarrassed. So, Will would get really nervous on the way to the games.  We always knew when the ball was coming to Will because he would start moving on the line. He also never celebrated his touchdowns. Instead, he would just walk back to the huddle like nothing had happened.  I know that he was proud though because one day on our way off of the field after a big win, Will walked over to the Titans' Logo painted on the field and smirked, "this is OUR field today." 

As great as their team was this year, they didn't win the championship.  Will cried on the way home.  He really wanted that "golden ring." 



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