One fine day at the end of May, Michael decided to take Sam to Game Stop for a just a "look see." As they arrived a few minutes earlier than Game Stop was supposed to open, they decided to kill a few minutes at Petco. Once inside they saw this "Introduction to Zak." They read it and laughed. They thought his profile was hilarious and charming.
Then they met him - Zak, the fat cat. For Sam Begley, it was love at first sight. He adored Zak. Zak was the friendliest cat at the pet store. If you put your hands on his cage, he would rub his enormous head right where your hand was positioned. He was so needy, it was pitiful.
Sam came straight home and told me and other two boys all about the best cat ever. He was so passionate about Zak that I thought he was going to cry. About an hour later, Sam and I went back to Petco so that I could meet Zak. Sam was right, he was sweetest, most adoptable cat that I had ever met. He just begged to go home with anyone that would look in his direction. Sam begged - begged to bring him home. We went home empty handed. When we got home Michael surprised us and told us that we could go get Zak. Our entire family was so happy.

This is Zak Begley. He is three (3) years old and sixteen (16) pounds. He is dense and heavy and not terribly mobile. He couldn't even jump up onto our bed. We could also hear him breath because his breathing was loud and labored. The first night we brough him home, Michael and I laid in bed and laughed at his ridiculous noises.
He is gentle with the boys and really likes to hang out with us. He doesn't really like to be held that much. He would much rather sit on the floor close to where we are sitting. He loves Meg. He thinks that Meg is the Bee's Knees. Meg, being the wretched hellcat that she is, would shank Zak if she had the chance and the skill level.
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