I Feel Much Better

After leaving the petting zoo, the boys and I headed to Manchester for Mother's Day Eve sleepover.  Finn was feel really cruddy so he slept soundly the whole way.  I should have know something was up when Finn hopped in bed with Michael and 7:00 and slept soundly until 9:00.  When he finally woke up he had the worst, most rumbly cough.  He told us that his stomach hurt.  We bought him a Sprite and packed extra clothes - just in case he yacked all over the dinosaur.  Luckily no yacking!

The first thing we did when we got to Nana and Papa's was too play in the playroom.  Nana and Finn crashed monster trucks for a while. They were terrible at first, but after a while they got the hang of it.  Next we went down the road to feed the burrows.  Papa picked up Sam and put him on her shoulders.  Finn immediately asked to get my shoulders.  Seeing our shadows in the pictures reminds of Finn's new game - he loves stomping on the heads of our shadows.

Papa brought an apple and some carrots for the burrows.  Finn was very brave and let the burrow take the tiny carrot out of his hand.

This picture was taken right before Finn discovered poop close to where he was standing.  Notice Finn's elevated position in the picture below.  Coincidence?  No.

Sam took great interest in the burrows as well.  He really wanted to pull their ears. 

When we got back to the house Sam cooled off with my drink as Finn watched.  Finn didn't eat very much all day.  I think he ate a pop-tart, but that was it. 

Finn was so sweet the rest of the day.  You could tell Finn wasn't feeling well because he was quite and still and just wanted to cuddle.  When we got back up to the playroom Finn wanted to watch "Pingu."  Sam clearly did too.
Next we ordered pizza.  Sam and almost two pieces.  After eating we gave Finn a bath.  He kept telling me he was cold so he really enjoyed his warm bath.  Well, it was either the bath or the fact that Nana let him squirt her with the water gun.  After Finn's bath he cuddled on the couch for a while.  I noticed that his hands and feet were burning up so I gave him some Tylenol.  The second he swallowed it Finn looked at me and said, "I feel so much better." 

While Finn was "recovering" mom and I gave Sam a hair.  He thrashed his head around so much that I was afraid that I was going to accidentally cut his ears off.  Happy to report no injuries and a fairly cute cut.  After Sam's bath we put him to bed.  We have Finn the option of sitting quietly in my lap or going to bed.  He decided to sit with me.  Mom turned on Downton Abbey (so good) and I rubbed Finn's head until he fell asleep. 


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