
Currently I am sitting my a work computer doing a little light work (a.k.a surfing the web) and listening to my hilarious little Finn playing in my bathroom.  He purposefully closed the door so I have no idea what he is doing - however, he is singing (loud and long).  I think I recognize the tune, but I definitely don't recognize the words.  Finn is great at making up songs.  It is little moments like this that I will miss when the boys are grown and gone or worse - teenagers :)

Today is a home day for us.  We spent the first part of the day shoe shopping for Finn.  He got a new pair Crocs and some boat shoes. In my opinion, Crocs are the best shoes for little boys.  They don't require socks (and if you know me well you know that I have an aversion to socks and never wear them) and they are easy to take on and off.  The poor child has been wearing "summer" shoes that are a little too small - getting hot spots and blisters.   For those of you who have grown children, this is just a reminder that it is impossible to go shoe shopping with two little children.  While I was trying shoes on Finn, Sam ran through the store grabbing or knocking off every shoe he could find.  Finn was actually well behaved when he wasn't ripping the tags off the shoes he was trying on (Finn apparently hates tags - thanks Aunt Em, sarcasm intended). So I am sitting in a pile of random/mismatched shoes, tags and paper and realize that I can't hear Sam.  Sam had apparently found his way back to the storeroom.  Heaven help me.

The trip wasn't a total bust, we did find two pair of shoes that Finn approved, a.k.a. he didn't foresee blisters (man's worst fate) and Finn and Sam got to walk around the Streets of Indian Lake.  While walking Finn became obsessed with the fire hydrant.  He asked if he could stop and play with it.  I told him no to which Finn responds in a tone denoting complete annoyance, "mom . . . you are driving me crazy."  I was both offended and amused at the same time.

The hits just kept on rolling when we got home.  I had apparently done something to get on Finn's nerves. He was visibly flustered at my lack of cooperation.   He looked at me and said, "mom . . . you are so enormous."  I know in my heart of hearts he meant annoying. 

When we got home the boys went outside to play on the swing set.  Sam fell asleep in his swing after about three (3) minutes.

After our long naps I took both boys to Danny's so that I could get a haircut.  Danny had a hard time cutting my hair because Finn kept trying to show him Monster Jam videos.  Sam started out in my lap, but by the end of the cut was wandering around the shop.

Next we met Daddy at Firehouse for supper.  Finn and Sam were both in great moods which translates to loud talking and random screeching.  Neither boy ate a lot, but Sam devoured both mine and Michael's pickle.  I shocked to hear him ask for the pickle by name.  When he finished one he looked and me and said, "pickle?"

The night was pretty relaxing.  Michael played with the boys outside while I cleaned up.  When they finally came in Sam and Finn danced a little to some music and then I tickled Finn until bed time.

RETRACTION:  Remember earlier when I blogged about my sweet little Finn singing in the bathroom.  Well shortly thereafter I find hot pink Play Doh smushed into my carpet right next to the bathroom.  That little stinker . . .


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