That's So Gross

I think it has been well established that Finn has a flare for the dramatic.  This morning Finn waved his true colors.  I took Finn to school this morning, as I do most Tuesday mornings.  We did everything we normally do, except this morning Sam came with us.  As always we stopped for doughnuts at the gas station.  Finn picked out a strawberry jelly filled doughnut.  Before I could warn Finn that he wouldn't like it and to pick another one, Finn had already licked the top.  I thought it would be in bad taste to put it back - especially since someone was watching me. Thinking ahead, I grabbed some doughnut holes.   When we get back in the car I handed Finn his jelly doughnut and I handed Sam his banana. 

As expected Finn bit into the jelly doughnut and almost gagged.  I grabbed the doughnut holes and gave them to Finn.  Meltdown averted.  After a few more minutes I hear Finn start whining and saying over and over, "yuck" "gross" "don't touch me" "don't look at me" "mom, wash him off."  When I looked in the rear view mirror I see Finn leaning as far away from Sam as possible.  He was looking outside his car window too.  I noticed that Finn stole a look at Sam and in complete repulsion said, "mom, wash him off, wash him off, I can't sit next to him, this is so gross."  For a moment I thought Finn may throw up or at least gag.  He turned back to window quickly and refused to look at Sam again.  I pulled over on the side of the road to see what was going on.  Sam had squished the last bite of his banana into his hands and face.  It wasn't the most pleasant sight - but it wasn't nearly as horrible as Finn was made it out to be.

After dropping Finn off, Sam and I headed to do our errands.  We stopped at three different courthouses - one of which gave Sam a whole cup of animal crackers.  Then we went to the bank, the post office and to do a home visit.  We met Gran and Finn at Chik-Fil-A for lunch.  Both boys were exhausted and NEEDY.   Finn tried to sit on me the entire time and Sam continued with his new routine - he has cried for three days solid.  I see a tooth coming in the back - here's hoping this ends soon.

As for the weekend, we had a nice quiet one.  It rained all day on Saturday so the boys were stuck inside.  At midday Finn looks at me and in and oh so serious voice said, "mom, I'm so sorry I do bad things to you."  Not really sure what that is all about - and  I probably never will as he refused to elaborate.  I took these pictures shortly thereafter.  Nothing like memorializing a creepy statement with a creepy picture.

On Saturday night we met our friends Jason and April at a Rio Bravo.  Finn had ice cream and a chocolate chimichanga.  After eating he played Play-Doh with Jason and April's daughter. 

Our Sunday was pretty typical too.  I did get pretty tickled when we picked the boys up from Sunday School.  As I turned the corner to Sam's room I could see Sam standing at a rocking chair attempting to play with another little boy.  The boy was sitting in the rocking chair and Sam had both hands on his legs and was leaning on him and smiling.  It was so cute.  Compare and contrast to when we picked up Finn.  When we poked our heads into Finn's room we saw all of the kids playing in one corner while Finn stood all by himself with his back to the wall on the opposite side of the room.   This image could not sum up my two boys better.  

On Monday I was ready to ship both boys off to Timbuktu.  I was home with them all day and to make a long (and boring) story short - it was an awful day.   Funny how I can't remember now what made it so awful - but in the moment I was ready to glue them to the floor.  


  1. Flair for the dramatic! Hmmmmm, let me see, where could this have possibly come from? Oh yes, I remember now, His MOTHER!
    Funny, funny, funny post.


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