"Guns and Leather"

On Thursday night Nana spent the night with us.  We had signed up to take the carrying permit class the next morning so she came the night before to save travel time in the morning.

When she got there she found the boys playing with their new ooze at the kitchen table.  Earlier in the week Finn had asked if we could make different colored ooze.  Since ooze is so much neater than Play-Doh, I decided that it would be a great idea.  Finn made purple, orange, and more green.  Sam made teal. 

Next they sat on the couch and snuggled with Nana and read books.

The next morning, mom and I got up early and headed out to "Guns and Leather" in Greenbrier.  The class was broken into two parts:  classroom instruction and the gun range.  The class was really interesting.  After they had gone over all the applicable laws and the different parts of a pistol, we were tested.   I am proud to report that I made a 100 on my test.  I was so nervous that I would fail. I wasn't quite as proficient on the range.  Out of 50 rounds, two of mine didn't hit the paper.  Mom did great with 100% hitting the target.  Before the class, I had never shot a pistol and it was a little awkward trying to aim.  I told mom after we left that after each time I pulled the trigger I closed my eyes - probably not what the instructor would want to hear.

Well, I am really glad that we went.  It was interesting and I had a lot of fun with mom.  Thank you Granny Martha for loaning me your gun for the day. 

When we got home we taped my target to the door for the boys to see.  Sam thought it was cool.  I know this because he said, "that's cool mom."  He didn't say it with much enthusiasm, so I think he was just appeasing me. Finn took one look and said - "why didn't you get any in the middle.  Finn is pretty hard to impress.

More ooze play.


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