Quasi Sleepover

On Saturday we took the boys over to Chase and Lindsay's house for a cookout.  We didn't get there until 6:30 and we assumed that we would have cram our burgers down and leave before the boys tore the place up.  Much to our surprise, Finn and Sam were wonderful.  They ate their supper without a fuss and then willing laid down upstairs on Chase and Lindsay's sectional and watched Ninja Turtles.  I turned off the lights and gave them each a blanket and told them to go to sleep.  They were so excited at the idea of camping out on the couch.  For the most part they stayed put.  Finn did come downstairs one time and let me know that Sam was playing with a blank piece of paper - but otherwise, we were able to sit and talk to our friends until 11:30.  When we went upstairs to the get the boys they were both wide awake.  I didn't expect that.

The boys at church on Sunday.

Monday was a good day - the boys both slept until 8:00.  Michael took the boys to school while I lazily got to work.

Finn had a pretty tough night.  First, he fell head first out of the swing.  He was crying so hard that he couldn't even catch his breath.  I took him inside and snuggled with him and asked him to tell me what hurt.  He told his head and his hands.  By the look of it, I was sure that Finn broke a limb.  Thankfully he seemed fine. After about 30 minutes he finally told him how he fell.  I had been asking him since he fell, but we was plainly ignoring me.  Out of nowhere Finn said, "I didn't tell you how I fell because I didn't want to get in trouble." He finally fessed up that he was trying to swing without holding on.  No wonder he fell.  Just in case you were wondering, Finn wasn't in trouble.  I figured that falling head first into the ground was punishment enough.

Next, Finn was playing with his ooze at the kitchen table and Sam, out of nowhere, came up and stabbed him with a sharpened pencil.  What in this world! Michael is never allowed to leave the house ever again.

During baths the boys decided to spit water at each other.  They would each fill their mouths and then spew the water out of their mouths with great force right in the other's face.  They laughed so much at this.

Before bed, we all snuggled on the couch and watched Harry Potter.  Sam asked all the usual questions: 1) What is a rubber duck? 2) Why is Harry not clapping? 3) What is "see you at school."?  Every single time we watch the movie, I have to answer the same three questions.  Now, I typically do not take "selfies" - but they were so sweet and snuggly that I wanted to capture the moment.


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