Christmas at Grandad and Gigi's!

On Monday afternoon the Finn, Sam and I drove to Tullahoma to spend the night with Grandad and Gigi.  We arrived around 2:30 to find Aunt Lauren working away on her laptop in the living room floor.  Grandad and Gigi arrived a little while later and we all had pizza, chicken pot pies and soup for dinner. 

After supper, Gigi dressed the boys in their matching jammies and took pictures. 

Finn and Sam have arrived at the age where it is nearly impossible to get a good picture of them at the same time. 

Next Mr. Gene and Minnie came to give Finn and Sam their Christmas presents.  Finn received a Batman and Penguin Lego set and the Lego Movie. Sam received a Super hero shirt, walkie talkies and a Superman movie.

Finn and Michael put the lego set together. 

MJ and her crew arrived around 7:30 which meant it was time for all of the boys to take pictures in their matching jammies. It was NOT easy.

The next morning Dad and I got up at 6:00 and went for a five mile run at the High School.   While we were gone, Gigi attempted to get more group pictures. 

At 9:00 we at breakfast; eggs, country ham and potato casserole.  Then the boys opened their presents.  One notable present was Finn's Lego set - 1600 pieces. I don't know how I feel about that :)

Grandad and Gigi gave Sam a Bat-mobile - which was easily the hit of the day for both of my boys.  They played with that Bat-mobile the rest of the day.  Finn made sure to let me know that for next Christmas he wanted a Bat-mobile.   They also had a great time with the Nerf gun. 

Both boys also got a lot of really cute clothes.  They were my favorite gift of the day. 

After all of the presents were opened and the pictures were taken we all settled in for a viewing of the "Lego Movie."  It started out just me and Quinn.  Then Sam got a little jealous - threw an all out temper tantrum and then climbed into the chair with us. 

I don't say this often - but Sam's disposition was abhorred.

Thank you Grandad and Gigi for a wonderful Christmas.


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