School Christmas Party

Friday was the boys Christmas Party at school.  Gran, Pa, Michael and I attended.  First we helped the boys make a Gingerbread House.  Thank Goodness Pa was there to help - we all struggled mightily.

This is a picture of Sam.  He is supposed to be standing still next to the wall.  Sam is standing next to the wall, but he is clearly dancing.
Finn bringing us our Christmas present.  It is a plate with Jesus in the manger.  The manger is made from Finn foot print.  It was really cute.

This picture breaks my heart.  This is Sam after the little girl sitting next to him hit him in the stomach. He tried so hard not to cry.

Next it was time to open presents.  All the kids brought a small gift to exchange with their classmates. We brought small super hero toys. That morning while I was getting ready for the day Finn told me that he wanted to get the gift that he brought.  I told him that he probably wouldn't get that gift.  He responded, "well, I got my own gift last year."  I told him that it was pretty unlikely that he would get his own gift two years in a row.  He said, "well, I guess I'll just have to talk to Mrs. Cindy about that."

I went and bought the gift bags after I dropped the boys off at school - this way the boys didn't know which gift they brought.  At gift opening time Sam's class went first.  When it was Sam's turn to pick a gift he was drawn to the Elmo bag.  Yes, Sam accidentally picked the gift he brought.  He was so excited.  Finn, seeing that Sam pulled his own gift out of the Elmo bag, started eye balling the second Elmo bag.  The determination in his eyes was palpable. So, as you may have already guessed, Finn picked his gift for the second year in a row.

Before lunch the kids sang a Christmas song while jingling their bells. 


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