The Star

Since we put the tree up Sam has been hounding us about putting the star on the tree.  It was really quite adorable. In his sweetest voice he said (multiple times), "mama, can I put the star on the top of the tree." Well last week he finally got his chance.  Finn made an angel at church using a cutout of his hands and a cone.  Michael raised Sam up and let him do the honors.

We have a been a little bit sick this week (which kind of explains my lack of blogging).  I have been home with strep and the boys now have runny noses and a rattly cough.  On Saturday as Finn was in the bathroom, he heard Sam walk through the kitchen and cough a particularly nasty cough.  Finn looked at me and said, "mom - Sam must have the same disease that I have."  I got tickled with Finn's characterization of his illness.

Last night I decided to really tidy up my office. My office is upstairs in my bedroom.  Given how much random filing that I had to do - it took a long time finish up.  Sam, not wanting to feel left out, crawled up in my bed and started reading a book.  He started with "Five People You Meet in Heaven."  I suggested that he read his "Frozen" book instead.


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