Due Date


On Sunday we took Will to all three services.  We have our adult Sunday School at 8:00, I teach middle school at 9:30 and then we had service at 11:15.  I wore him in Aunt Sharon's wrap and he did really good.  He cuddled up next to me for the almost four (4) hours we were there and didn't make a peep. I did feed him twice; once during Sunday School and at the end of the service.

After church we went to Blue Coast for lunch where Finn somehow got me and Daddy to arm wrestle at the table.  I smoked Michael (I really didn't). 

Once home we all took naps and hung out the rest of the day.


On Monday, Will and I stayed home all day and cuddled.  I go back to work on Wednesday so I wanted to soak up as much snuggling as I could.  I also finished the entire series of Downton Abbey. 

Monday was also Will's actual due date.  I thought about this pretty regularly during the day and got a little bit weepy.  I am not sad to go back to work, I just know that this is my last maternity leave and it is coming to an end.  As for going back to work - I am not dreading it. I am returning to the best possible work scenario.

On Monday evening Michael took Finn for his special night.  They went to Target and to play Put-Put.  Finn got two (2) holes in one.


On Tuesday I went to get my haircut.  My stylist moved to Ohio, but before she did she referred to me to a new girl.  I like her.  I had to take Will with me and he was thankfully good as gold the whole time.  He really only fusses when we put him in his crib. 


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