Working with Mom


On Thursday night Grandad and Gigi came up to visit.  They brought Pizza and dad held Will for hours.

On Friday, Will came to work with me for the first time.  He did great!  He slept all morning in his carseat and I wore him all afternoon in the wrap.


On Saturday we took the boys to church to listen to a lecture on Dinosaurs and the Bible by Ken Ham.  Finn found it pretty interesting.  Sam tuned out for most of it. However, he became extremely interested when Mr. Ham showed pictures of hippo and elephant bottoms. (you had to be there).  Sam, Finn and Jack all laughed so loud and had the hardest time calming down after that.

After church we went to dinner with Dustin/Elena and Shelley/Matt and Eric/Amanda and their children.  Then Finn went home with Jack for his first sleepover (away from home).  By all reports he did great.  He and Jack allegedly stayed up until 2:00 a.m. watching "Honey I Shrunk the Kids." 


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