Visit with the Vaughn Family

On Friday my family from Sparta came to visit us.  Finn, Sam, Will, Nana and I met them at Chef's Market in Goodlettsville for lunch.  Granny, Laura, Tracey, Kara, Bruce and Jack all came up. Emily and her boys met us too. Lunch was really good.  Will slept the whole time.

After lunch we all came back to my house.  It was there first time to see my new house so I was able to show them around.  They also brought gifts for Will.  Kara's gift was so great.  She had cut up three gallon bags of  chicken tenderloin and provided all the fixings for a quick and easy dinner.  It was so nice.

All of the boys played together while the girls sat in the den and talked.  It was such a nice time and I am so glad that they came up.

Later than evening we all went to Babies-R-Us.  I decided to get a fancy baby monitor for Will since his room is upstairs.  Thank you Laura, Tracey and Melissa.  Your gift went to pay for the monitor.  I also shopped a little bit for Will.  I got him some premmie bibs and a little sleeper.

Next we went to get a quick bite at Firehouse.  Again Will slept the entire time.  I have no idea why Will sleeps so good during the day and so lousily at night.  For the past few nights he hasn't wanted to sleep in his bassinet.   He fusses and screams until I pick him up. I am really trying to get out of the habit of falling asleep with him so I have been holding him in the recliner all night.  We do sleep in the recliner - Will sleeps lying on the boppy - while I sleep reclining.  But I am still really tired.

On Saturday I took a 5 hour nap - in my bed - by myself.  It was great!  Michael brought him in for feedings and then he would take him out again. 

Sam trying to burp Will. 


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