Hawaiian Shirt Day

Thursday was "Hawaiian Shirt" Day. Sam does not have a Hawaiian shirt so we put him in this. He looked so cute. Then he told me that he needed a surf board. Finn went into the garage and came back with the boogie board. I asked Sam if I could take his picture. He said "SURE" and immediately hopped on the "surf board" and pretended to surf. I think that I should enroll Sam in acting classes. Finn had the more "typical" Hawaiian Shirt look. Never mind the fact that it was 50 degrees outside. When I asked Finn is he wanted a picture on the surf board he said, "I'd love to" which is how he answers all questions that require a "yes." Sam doesn't say "yes" either, instead he says, "SURE!" but it sounds more like (shoe -urr). Sam boogie boarding. Michael told me that when he dropped the boys off this morning Mrs. Finney told Michael how special Sam is and w...