First Day Home

At 8:45 on Saturday morning, Nana quietly came upstairs to check on me and Will.  She found us sound asleep snuggled up on the air-mattress.  Finn came upstairs too and held Will for the first time. His expression was so cute - he had the biggest smile on his face. After sitting around for a few minutes I took a shower and got ready for Emily and her family to come over for lunch.

They got to our house at around noon.  Emily brought chicken salad sandwiches for lunch - they were so good.  The best part of the visit was seeing Hank with Will.  Hank loves babies!  The look on his face was so sweet when he was holding Will. 

Michael, Zac and the boys spent a lot of time playing outside, while the girls sat inside with the baby. Around 3:00 I noticed that Will still didn't have wet diaper.  I had noticed the night before and decided to keep an eye on it.  I felt pretty sure he wasn't getting enough to eat so Emily and I went to Food Lion to get some formula.  When we gave it Will he sucked it down ferociously.  It was at that point we were sure my milk had not come in and that I was starving the poor child.  Sure enough, a little bit later he had a wet diaper.  We continued to supplement with formula the rest of the night.

At 4:00 Papa arrived - he came to meet Will and to eat supper with us.  Emily made supper for us too! At supper that night Sam volunteered to pray.  We all bowed our heads and Sam started singing "God our Father" or as Sam says it "Fadder."  

After supper Will had his first bath.  We bathed him in the farmhouse sink in the mud room.  He liked laying in the warm water, but go really mad when we started washing.  He also pooped in his bathwater for good measure.  Nana took pictures and Papa filmed the whole thing.

Next we sat upstairs and watched Finn and Sam do wrestling moves.  Sam was hilarious. 

Around 9:00 Papa went home and we all got ready for bed.  Mom and I sat up and talked for a while. I ended up going to bed around midnight.  Once again Will and I slept on the air mattress.  It was such a fun day!  


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