
On Friday night Michael and I went to see NeedToBreathe at the Ascend Amphitheater in Nashville. We parked at Michael's office and walked about a mile to the venue.  We arrived a little after 6:30 and found a really nice spot on the grass.  We laid our blanket out and enjoyed the opening numbers:  Welshly Arms,  John Mark McMillian, and Matt Kearney.  The concert started at 7:00, but NeedToBreath didn't take the stage until 9:40. Which means that I had to pump in the bathroom two times.  I can tell that I am getting older, because I was so tired before the show even started!  But once they took the stage I perked up and had a great night. They played most of my favorites - medley style.

It was 11:30 before we left the show.  I didn't want to spend too much time at a sit down restaurant so we ate Arby's in the car.

While we were at NeedToBreathe, mom stayed with the boys. 

Mom gave Finn his customized Jersey.

The next day she took him shopping with is birthday money.  


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