The Drive-In

Friday was a big day for us.  After picking the boys up from school I took them back up to my office to watch the Gallatin High School homecoming parade.

I think that they enjoyed running up and down the square than they did watching the parade.

We watched with Lori and her Rhett.  Lori is the paralegal in the office.

As all parades, this parade started with the police.  Sam immediately goes into beast mode and start using his hands as a gun.  Then he started making shooting noises.  He turns to the lady next to him, which we don't know, and said, "I shoot at police."  Not knowing what to say, I said, "We practice a very liberal ideology in our home."

After the parade we went home and made cookies then went to the drive-in to with Dustin and Elena and their kids.  We watched "Finding Dory" which was good and "Pete's Dragon" which was horrible. The weather was perfect! During the first movie Finn and Sam sat with Ethan and Olivia.  During the intermission Finn said that this was the best night of his life. During the second movie we sat on a mattress in the back of Dustin's truck and cuddled under a blanket with the boys.  Will and I ended up falling asleep.

It was 11:15 before we headed back to the house. Will was hungry so I asked Finn to give him a bottle.

This was Sam's response to not being asked to give Will a bottle. He was so hurt.  I laughed so hard at this face.

Saturday morning was pretty great.  I spent a good portion of the day snuggling with Will and coloring in my adult coloring book.  Yes, I am lame. 


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