The Day the Gas Crisis Ruined Finn's 7th Birthday Party

Well, this past Saturday (September 17, 2016) I threw the worst birthday party in the history of birthday parties. We had planned a home party with basketball and the bouncy house.  The party was really doomed to fail from the beginning.  I had a major trial the day before and spent most of the 10 days prior preparing for that.  

The night before Grandad and Gigi came up to help me get ready for the party.  We cleaned, inside and out, we picked up the cake from Maggie Moos and we wrapped presents.  They also gave Finn his presents. Everything was looking like it was in order.  But then we woke upon Saturday and saw the rain.  Not only the rain, we also had a State wide panic because a gasline busted and no one in town had gas.  When you plan a birthday party out in the middle of nowhere, people don't want to drive all the way out there for fear of running out of gas and getting stuck. We had two gas related cancellations.  

Well, despite the odds - we powered on.  We put the bouncy house in the garage and the boys played basketball in the rain.  

We did have a decent turnout.  Jack and John Matthew, Cooper, Hank and Quinn and Henry and two friends from school came - Drew and Landon. Drew and his dad came all the way from Springfield! I had to direct his dad to the nearest gas station in Bethpage. 

After playing for a while we came in and ate lunch.  

Then it was time for cake.  The cake was a disaster as well.  We got an ice cream cake but it didn't set it out in time so it was frozen solid all the way through.  The kids had to stab it with a fork eat it like a popsicle.  We didn't have candles and we forgot to sing Happy Birthday!  

Next it was time for presents.  This took approximately 3 minutes.  Next year, I am setting aside a few presents to give Finn when it is less hectic. 

We got Finn the Lego's Dimension game, a Steph Curry shirt, an indoor basketball goal and Minecraft toy. 

The popsicle cake. 

After the party Shelley and Matt, Gran and Grandad and Gigi hung around to watch football and talk.  
I felt pretty crummy after everyone left.  I wanted Finn to have a fun time - and I think he did - but I was bummed that things did not go as planned. 

The next day we had our little family celebration.  Finn requested homemade tacos and homemade blizzards.  So I made Finn's favorite foods and we all watched Captain America Civil War.  We sang Happy Birthday to Finn before we ate ice cream. 


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