Begley Christmas

On Saturday the 16th - we went to Gran and Pa's house for the Begley family Christmas.  We had a great day.  We started with a big breakfast.  Will was starving so we let him get started early.  He did a pretty good time sitting in the big chair.

Finn, Sam and Michael sat at the kid's table.

Our best attempt at a group picture.

This was Will's first Christmas of the year, so I wasn't sure how he would do with opening gifts.  He took to it with no issue at all.  He loved opening presents.

His favorite present was Tickle Me Elmo.  He was so excited - he squealed and ooh'ed and gasped.

He opened the rest of his presents holding Elmo.

Sam sat a my feet and opened his gifts.

After presents we went outside and flew the drones and rode the dune buggy.  Then we all sat in the den and played with toys.  It was a great day.


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